
Just a list of some of my favorite anime in no particular order, check out my Anime-Planet profile via the button above for a full list!

(The [x# - XXth] following titles is how many times I've watched the series, followed by the chronological place of when I originally watched it relative to my other anime)

Overlord [x9 - 20th]


I've rarely been interested in rewatching shows or movies, but suffice to say this changed with Overlord. Somehow, for some reason, I never tire of this series-genuinely able to rewatch it and then be fully ready to rewatch all seasons of it again as soon as I finish.

From what I can tell, Overlord was the 20th anime I watched which uniquely places it as my first Isekai, and 2nd fantasy anime (just behind Goblin Slayer. I guess it's not surprise then that I got so heavily attached to the genre then (especially since immediatly following this I hunted down just about every Isekai I could get my hands on)! While I've never been into things quite like an MMO guild I do still understand the experience they were latching onto at the start, but moreover I've been quite heavily stuck into medieval-esque fantasy mentally for so very long that it was easy to imagine the type of story that Overlord ended up being. This of course being so strengthened with how Ains is certainly the protagonist but far from being the hero. Even now I crave seeing shows like that, as while I don't have any issues with the perfect hero archetype inherently, its just become so worn out after seeing show after show after show with the same rightous characters.

In regards to the actual show, it hit so strongly on the power fantasy moments with things like Ains going to Carne Village for the first time-or meeting characters and demonstrating the monstrous power which of course is just a fun staple of many anime at this point; but then mix this with genuinely interesting and both likeable and hateable characters to create such a great set of attractions to complement the great plot itself. I'm not necessarily claiming it to be the craziest plot out there, but I am claiming it to have been executed greatly---even the minor things like killing off so many characters subverting the expectations (but still in ways that gave those characters enough time and 'life' in the plot, appose to simply just cutting them down with extreme shock).

I still think seasons 1 and 4 are by far the best, but thats not necessarily to deride the others (though not to claim any of them are truly flawless either). Maybe I'll get around to make a true proper reviews of stuff but ultimately as it stands I think all I can really get myself to express is that while Overlord isn't my absolute favorite anime with everything considered-it is the one I can never seeem to tire of and is easily a 2nd place contender (it just can't hit quite the same emotional beats as my the other contenders; nor should it since it's not that kind of story).

Violet Evergarden [x1 - 9th]



Another [x2 - 19th]



Angel Beats [x3 - 24th]



Orange [x1 - 60th]



Black Butler [x2 - 3rd]


Black Butler wasn't the first anime I watched, but it was damn close coming in at about my 3rd anime watched. It was actually pretty funny how I found it...essentially in the latter half of my freshmen year of highschool, I had a business class and me and this sophomore year girl would both finish our asignments in like the first 5-10 minutes of class. Because of this, and the fact that there were maybe 5 total people in the class (counting us) that actually did the work, we were basically allowed to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the class. And so this girl had the idea that she'd have me watch Black Butler with her on her ipad for the rest of class. Suffice to say I ended up really liking both the anime and her, but as for the anime itself...

I should definitely give another rewatch to the show as I've only seen it twice (and who know how long ago that last rewatch was), so maybe my opinions will change (unlikely) but as of what I remember. Despite however opaque my rose colored glasses may be, I'd still rate the show very highly. Sure I can understand not putting it on the level of 5 stars, but certainly nothing below 4.0, and even that feels really low. Black Butler really feels like a great example of a strong late 00's anime. The tone and animation/style exemplify this the most I think, with the story servicing fairly well so that it really slots in pretty well. Combine this will a little bit more edge and it really comes together pretty well, a bit comparable to something like Darker than Black (off the top of my head at least). Those elements plus just a very competent execution of it all and it really stands as a great show (plus the general bias I have in favor of anime from that time). Overall there's not really any scenes off the top of my head that stand out as being bad, sure I'm sure if I really went through I'd stumble upon a fair few scenes here and there that would be a little grating, but nothing really worth mentioning I'm sure. All in all? Great show!

I feel like I kind of need to pay some mention to the spin-offs/sequels here, as it certainly has a bit of quality range. Overall everything I said about the first season can be applied to the Book of Murder & the Book of Circus. Murder was a little less appealing, something about the story and show overall-while hard to describe-just felt a little off. I really can't put a finger on it without rewatching with it in mind but it was still a solid addition. As for Book of Circus though, as I'm sure many would agree-that I'd put on equal footing to the first season, with all the positives plus a whole host of new characters that each had their own interesting stories and tragic end really made for a great series, plus it helps that I also love the general sort of fantastical Circus/Carnival asthetic.

As for the other two though...Book of Atlantic and especially the second season I cannot give such praise to. I can at least say that I might just not have understood book of Atlantic, as people seem to have a decent opinion of it whereas I have an abysmal one. Point is, it felt just I'd skipped things or that the writers had skipped everything from the actual show. If I rewatch any of these, it should be Atlantic because it just doesn't slot together-especially with another movie appearently coming out as a sequal to it. Regardless, everything in it just felt disjointed, like here's a mention of every semi-important character doing this on a boat thats kind of here and then the other characters come in with some new event that just kind of happened and they're responding to. Worst of all I recall being the Grim Reaper and his all just felt so counter to the actual show, but hey-maybe I just really didn't understand it all those years ago...I CANNOT say that about season two though as it seems people agree with me here---in that it was less than stellar. Just kind of undoing the ending of season one, for some poor imitation of the two all to fight over some contrived reasons. I'm keeping my description brief as the more that was known of the second season just hurts it more...just do yourself a favor and don't bother with it.

BLAME! Movie [x2 - 64th]



Darker Than Black [x1 - 124th]



Dorohedoro [x1 - 32nd]



Land of the Lustrous [x1 - 65th]



Jujutsu Kaisen [x4 - 53rd]



Parasyte -the maxim- [x1 - 11th]



Frieren: Beyond Journey's End [x1 - 170th]



Soul Eater [x1 - 4th]



Eminence in Shadow [x4 - 156th]



Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust [x3 - 5th]



Yukikaze [x1 - 6th]



The Saints Magic Power is Omnipotent [x1 - 75th]



Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion [x1 - 159th]


I don't necessarily have that much to say about the show...coming in at my 159th anime watched (not counting dropped shows) it was very enjoyable certainly-holding my interest throughout and liking all the characters without feeling as though there were any real detractors nor dead-weight on the cast. Simply put, I think the show succeeds at what it sets out to do for most scenes, especially for the primary duo; with Raeliana being fun to watch and Noah having his own sort of interesting act as a well placed-if stark contrast.

I think the thing that really gets me here, and with this type of story in general is sort of that...fantastical world. Not necessarily in the sense of dragons and monsters like one would normally think with that phrasing, but more-so as in the fantasy of romance. It's well known that real life romance isn't as its written in fiction (else its fiction wouldn't exist!), but this disconnect plus my own disconnect from never having delved into any kind of relationships gives me a very untarnished...immersion? Whatever the best descriptor is, it makes it very easy to really get invested into the story from an emotional sense, and really just have some sort of deeper-seeded enjoyment derived from it that can be a bit harder to manifest without some special events in the story (ie. think of any story typically considered emotionally heavy, and the type of beats they have to hit vs something like this that can come kinda close to that level without using the same strength of event). Whatever the case, it certainly helps keep my attention. Plus I won't lie, something about the royal life--especially the sort of isekai version (ie. learning to live in a royal/fancy world) is for some reason especially appealing to me. I suppose you like what you don't have (fantastical or not)...

I'd like to take special mention of one scene in episode 7 with the "Is she asking me to bring back a dragon?" line asked by Taylor. On it's own it was definitely amusing and I enjoyed it alot for some reason (as most of the time I'd be semi-impartial to those types of jokes), maybe because I just liked the characters more--or because the tone of the show made it more vulnerablew to the impact of that scene...whatever the cause, it was actually really very nice to see it expanded into them taking so far as going so far to 'try' getting a dragon and otherwise taking it so seriously-which again is funny that I liked it as most often with that type of joke I'd normally prefer to just glance over it since I tend to not really find it funny...I suppose it really could be chalked up to the characters and tone of things as a nice foil in a sense. I never expected them to take it so far, and am very happy that they did as it felt like it brought some extra character to the story, both in terms of distinguishing itself (or rather, the characters), but also in committing things a little more-so than one might feel. It was almost like how people typically regard the slow moments between action in something more intense (personally I think of Made in Abyss), just something about this interaction really just kind of set an extra attachment to the characters and their interactions with eachother.

Overall, I can rate an easy 4.0 stars-though passing on a 4.5+ because while very good for what it does, it did lack some of the more hard hitting moments that I have come to really like in my anime. I don't know if it would truly be doable in its current state as it really doesn't seem too written for them, but nonetheless it could use a little something (or maybe not everything needs to be a 5.0 stars, in a sense?). Other than that though I can't pull it down because it really isn't very flawed, I liked everyone and enjoyed the story + had high investment in the romance itself. Which granted does give me one the very very end having that sort of...cold, almost mean send off with Raeliana basically just being like "Oh ur sick? Well I'm fine now so see ya loser!" to Noah really left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I get it might have been more of a teasing sort of way, but it really just felt kind of rude...cliche as it might be, I would've rathered it end on them having a bit more of a mutual affection by that point. Regardless though, not only do I recommend it, but I really hope to be able to find my stories like this.

Heavenly Delusion [x1 - 139th]



Gunsmith Cats [x1 - 150th]



Future Diaries [x2 - 2nd]



Cyberpunk Edgerunners [x1 - 116th]



Drifters [x1 - 31st]

